Chakra Energy diartikan sebagai Energi dari Cakra tubuh. Chakra artinya Pusat. Chakra Energy memiliki arti pusat tenaga. Tubuh manusia terdiri dari 7 chakra yang masing-masing harus dalam kondisi seimbang sehingga tubuh dapat berfungsi dengan baik sebagaimana mestinya. Bila ada chakra yang tidak seimbang maka tubuh akan sakit. Setiap chakra memiliki warna aura dan karakter masing-masing. Terapi batu kristal dapat memberikan kesembuhan serta performa yang lebih baik.

Sebelum kalung atau gelang Anda dikirimkan sudah dibersihkan sebelumnya dengan metode “Tibetan Singing Bowl” di “Buddhist Center” dan tidak tersentuh orang lain sehingga telah dalam keadaan murni siap Anda pakai. Untuk menyempurnakannya, Anda dapat membersihkan batu dari energi negatif akibat emosi orang lain yang bersentuhan dengan batu selama dalam perjalanan menuju tangan Anda.
Metode pembersihan:
-           Diperam dalam garam non yodium selama 24 jam
-           Letakkan di udara terbuka diluar rumah  selama 1 minggu
-           Tanam dalam tanah atau beras merah
-           Dibersihkan menggunakan singing bowl yang terdapat di Tibetan Buddhist Center (bila ada)


SODALITE – Batu Kekuatan & Kedamaian
Warna : Biru tekstur
Energi : Kekuatan, Penyembuhan, Keberuntungan
Chakra: Tenggorokan (Throat)
Kekuatan Metafisik:
  • Memberikan kedamaian batin dan keharmonisan.
  • Sebagai jembatan antara pikiran dan perasaan (logika dan spiritual).
  • Membantu menyingkirkan pola lama perilaku yang tidak lagi sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada.
  • Memancing kreatifitas dan menyeimbangkan kedua sisi pikiran untuk mengekspresikan ide-ide dalam bentuk fisik.
  • Meningkatkan kepercayaan diri untuk mengeluarkan pendapat.
  • Mempererat dan memperbaiki hubungan dan kemitraan serta membantu mengakhiri argumen/perdebatan.
Kekuatan Penyembuhan:
  • Berkaitan dengan thyroid
  • Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dan memperkuat metabolisme.

ROSE QUARTZ – Batu Kasih Sayang & Cinta
Warna : Merah muda (Pink)
Energi : Kasih Sayang
Chakra: Chakra Jantung (Heart)
Kekuatan Metafisik:
  • Membuka hati dan mendorong kita untuk menjadi lembut dan damai.
  • Mengajarkan pengampunan dan toleransi.
  • Memberikan kedamaian batin dan membantu dalam segala hal yang berkaitan dengan kasih sayang.
  • Meningkatkan keyakinan diri atas cinta yang layak, tanpa syarat dan tidak menghakimi.
Kekuatan Penyembuhan: Dipercaya dapat mencegah keriput dan membantu peremajaan pada kulit.

LAPIS LAZULI – Batu kebenaran/Batu kesadaran total
Warna : Biru tua tekstur emas
Energi : Percintaan, Perlindungan, Kekuatan, Penyembuhan
Chakra: Tenggorokan (Throat)
Kekuatan Metafisik:
  • Membantu mengatasi depresi.
  • Membuka pintu penerimaan diri, yang mengarah pada ketenangan.
  • Memberi keharmonisan hubungan dan persahabatan.
  • Membantu pemakainya untuk menjadi orang yang otentik, terbuka dan tanpa rasa takut menyatakan pikiran yang terdalam.
  • Membawa kejernihan mental dan penyembuhan emosional.
Kekuatan Penyembuhan:
  • Gangguan pada tenggorokan, sumsum tulang, dan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
  • Mengurangi sakit kepala, insomnia dan vertigo.
  • Membantu meningkatkan gangguan pendengaran.

CITRINE – Batu Saudagar/Batu Sukses
Warna : Kuning
Energi : Uang, Keberuntungan, Perlindungan, Penyembuhan
Chakra: Lambung (Solar Plexus)
Kekuatan Metafisik:
  • Membawa kebahagiaan dan sukacita
  • Optimisme dalam menjalankan kehidupan
  • Kemakmuran dan kesuksesan.
  • Meningkatkan kemampuan dan kepercayaan diri dalam berkomunikasi.
  • Meringankan masalah dalam berkelompok baik keluarga maupun bisnis.
Kekuatan Penyembuhan:
  • Bermanfaat bagi sistem pencernaan untuk membersihkan dan menghilangkan racun.
  • Masalah sembelit dan diabetes.
  • Menenangkan saat kondisi tertekan (Trauma).
  • Anti depresi.

BLACK TOURMALINE – Batu Pelindung & Penyembuh
Warna : Hitam
Energi : Keberuntungan, Penyembuhan
Chakra: Dasar (Root)
Kekuatan Metafisik:
  • Melindungi dari energi negatif.
  • Pelindung/perisai yang kuat dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan/sifat buruk/ilmu hitam, khususnya bagi orang yang sensitif.
  • Meningkatkan vitalitas dan kemampuan intelektual dalam berpikir.
  • Menetralisir rasa ketakutan, kebencian dan obsesi yang berlebihan.
Kekuatan Penyembuhan:
  • Meringankan sakit punggung, paru-paru dan ashma.
  • Membantu membuang racun dalam darah/getah bening.
  • Mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka bakar.
  • Menghilangkan nyeri dan migrain.

AVENTURINE – Batu Kesempatan/Batu Motivasi
Warna : Hijau
Energi : Keberuntungan, Uang, Penyembuhan
Chakra: Chakra Jantung (Heart)
Kekuatan Metafisik:
  • Mendatangkan kelimpahan, kemakmuran dan peluang.
  • Meningkatkan keterampilan kepemimpinan Anda.
  • Membantu Anda memenuhi tantangan untuk bertindak dan mengambil keputusan secara cepat dan tepat.
  • Memberikan ketenangan dalam situasi mendesak.
Kekuatan Penyembuhan:
  • Meringankan rabun dekat.
  • Linu pada panggul.
  • Meringankan panas demam dan peradangan pada luka dan sendi.
  • Melindungi dan membantu menyembuhkan paru-paru, jantung, kelenjar adrenal, jaringan otot dan susunan saraf.
  • Anti stress.

AGATE – Batu Keseimbangan & Anti Stres
Warna : Variasi
Energi : Perlindungan, Penyembuhan
Chakra: Variasi
Kekuatan Metafisik:
  • Meningkatkan keberanian dan perlindungan terhadap mimpi buruk.
  • Memiliki energi yang padat dan stabil untuk perlindungan dan penyembuhan.
  • Anti stress dan membangkitkan semangat.
  • Meningkatkan kemampuan analisis dan keakutaran.
  • Membantu ketika memulai persahabatan baru, terutama jika ANDA cenderung tampil agresif/keras kepala yang jarang membuat “kesan pertama” yang baik.
Kekuatan Penyembuhan:
  • Gangguan perut kembung dan sistem pencernaan.
  • Keracunan, infeksi, flu dan pilek.
  • Meningkatkan kemampuan & kecepatan fisik.
  • Anorexia.

TREE AGATE – Batu kesehatan dan keseimbangan dengan alam
The Stone of Plenitude
Place one of these anywhere that you want to encourage abundance and fullness.
Some of the benefits of tree agate include:
  • Enhances the health of house plants
  • Creates a peaceful environment
  • Deepens your connection to the earth
Be patient when using dendritic agate. It works slowly and takes time to be effective. Use it to encourage a more centered viewpoint in life.
Healing with Tree Agate
Healers use tree agate to align and correct anything with branches (such as blood vessels, nerves, skeletal disorders). Place it on a point of pain for relief.

AMETHYST – Batu Kesadaran & Batu Mimpi
Crystalline quartz in shades of purple, lilac or mauve is called amethyst, a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkeness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" and amethyst is beleived to protect one from poison.
Power Stone
It is used as a dream stone and to help insomnia. Put an amethyst under your pillow to bring about pleasant dreams, or rub it across your forehead to offer relief from a headache.
Protection Stone
Ancient Egyptians used the amethyst guard against guilty and fearful feelings. It has been worn as protection from self-deception, as well as a protection against witchcraft. The amethyst has long been used to open the spiritual and psychic centers, making it one of the power stones. It is also used as a meditation aid when worn as a necklace.
Wisdom Stone
The amethyst is known as the Bishop's Stone and is still worn by Catholic Bishops. The amethyst symbolizes piety, humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom. It is thought the amethyst is the perfect stone to symbolize The Age of Aquarius.
Healing properties of Amethyst
Amethyst is a gemstone often worn by healers, as it has the power to focus energy. A healer will usually wear several pieces of jewelry with amethysts set in silver, especially an amethyst necklace. The person to be healed will have an Amethyst to hold while the healing is being done. The healer will place another piece of Amethyst on the area of the body in need of healing, the heart or lungs usually.
Amethyst is used for problems in the blood and in breathing problems. Amethyst crystal clusters are used to keep the air and life force in the home clean and positive.
Amethyst clusters, points or several tumbled Amethysts placed in a window that receives sun most of the day are very beneficial to use in healing and to heal negativity in the home. Place Amethyst clusters, points or several tumbled Amethysts in moonlight and everyone in the home will be feeling calmer. Using an Amethyst as a meditation focus will increase the positive spiritual feelings. Amethyst helps overcome fears and cravings. It also helps relieve headaches.

AQUAMARINE – Batu Spiritual & Batu Meditasi
This is the stone to help you be in touch with your spiritual being. This stone is used in deep meditations.
Aquamarine is a blue-green stone that comes from Colombia and Brazil. It has been called "Water of the Sea", because of its color. The aquamarine is the stone of sailors, believing it would be protection for them on water. Folklore says the aquamarine will protect against gossip. It is also said the aquamarine will pick up spirits. It is an excellent stone to use for meditating.
Aquamarine is most powerful as a meditation stone, as it brings a great peace and serenity. Some people can meditate on an Aquamarine to receive the wisdom to see truth, but this is a very advanced meditation.
Healing properties of Aquamarine
Aquamarine is often associated with the thymus gland. It is very soothing worn as a necklace. Healers use it to help reduce fluid retention. It has been used to calm the nerves.
The Romans used the aquamarine for diseases of the stomach, and believed it could cure liver and throat troubles.

BLOODSTONE – Batu Penyembuhan/Energi – Memperlancar Peredaran Darah
Bloodstone (also called heliotrope) is green with distinctive red spots that resemble blood, giving this stone its name. The bloodstone was used to stop bleeding especially nosebleeds.
There is a legend that says the bloodstone was formed from the blood of Christ dripping on the green earth and solidifying. It was also called heliotrope by the Greeks and was thought to bring change. The bloodstone has been used as an amulet to protect against the evil eye. Bloodstone is the symbol of justice.
Healing properties of bloodstone
The bloodstone is used for circulation of all energy in the body and helps to remove energy blocks. Bloodstone is used in the alignment of all the centers of the body. A healer must do this alignment while the patient lies on his stomach. It also aids in the circulation of blood. It is good to have several pieces of Bloodstone in the home to increase the flow of life energy.

CHALCEDONY – Batu Harmoni & Persahabatan
Chalcedony is a variety of the mineral quartz that occurs in in a great variety of colors inlcuding blue, lavender, white, buff, light tan, gray, yellow, pink, red or brown. If chalcedony is conspicuously color-banded, it may be called agate and with other minerals it has various other names including carnelian, mocha stone, onyx, bloodstone to name a few.
Considered a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, chalcedony nurtures and promotes brotherhood and good will.
  • Used to assist telepathy
  • Absorbs negative energy and dissipates it
  • Harmonizes mind, body, and spirit
  • Instills generosity
Healing properties of chalcedony
Chalcedony is a powerful cleanser, including open sores. Mothers use it to increase lactation, and it also fosters the maternal instinct. It increases physical energy. Healers use it to decrease ill effects of senility and dementia as well as to heal the eyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood and circulatory system.

TIGER EYE – Batu Keberuntungan dan Perlindungan
Tiger Eye lets you see everything. Use it for insight and you can be a very lucky person. When used in jewelry the tiger eye may bring good luck and protection from the evil eye to the wearer. It also known to bring clear thinking and insight.
Healing properties of Tiger Eye
Tiger's-eye or Cat's-Eye is a stone for the mind, not the body. Tiger Eye is used to focus the mind. It will cause the mind to have feeling of oneness and feel more direct in all thoughts. It makes one aware of one's own needs related to the needs of others.
A personal symbol carved in Tiger eye is excellent for the spiritually advanced to use in meditation.

QUARTZ CRYSTAL – Batu Penguat (batu lain yang dipakai si pemakai)
Crystal is a common stone, but a powerful one. It is mainly used in healing as amplification for the energies of the other working stones. In healing, the crystal point is best and the size can be important.
For meditating the crystal ball or point can be used. As it is a powerful stone the user should experiment with each to find what is best for him.
The Quartz Crystal has a similar vibration as humans. This is why using Crystal to meditate and keeping a Crystal helps one to know oneself. It will sometimes not work for a negative person.

FLUORITE – Batu Konsentrasi & Penyerap Energi Negatif
Formerly called fluorspar, fluorite has a wide range of colors including yellow, blue, pink purple and green. It is an interesting and beautiful stone because often more than one color occurs in a single stone. The ancient Egyptians used flourite to carve statues and scarabs, the Chinese have used it in carvings for over 300 years. In the 18th century, fluorite was powdered in water to relieve the symptoms of kidney disease.
Fluorite is said to absorb and neutralize negative vibrations. It makes one more receptive to the vibrations of other stones. Fluorite should be kept in every room of the home. Fluorite is known as the "Genius Stone".
  • increases concentration
  • helps in decision-making
Healing properties of Fluorite
Fluorite may be used with other stones. It helps to open the way for the power of other stones to be effective. It can be used as a meditation stone to help energize the body and raise the power of concentration.
Healers use it to help with ulcers as well as the respiratory tract by stimulating cell regeneration in these areas. It fortifies bones, improves arthritic or other joint ailments. It can be laid directly on the body.

JADE – Batu Penarik Kasih Sayang & Batu Keberuntungan/Kekayaan & Batu Pelindung
Jade is an ancient stone that has historically been used to attract love. Carved into a butterfly, in China it is a powerful symbol used to draw love.
Jade can be used to bring money into your life. Create a positive attitude towards money and visualize yourself using money creatively and productively while holding the stone in your power hand. When making an important business decision, use the prosperous energies of jade by holding it while contemplating your course of action. Jade strengthens your mental faculties and assists in clear reasoning.
Jade is also a protective stone, guarding against accidents and misfortune. Place a piece of jade between two purple candles and let the candles burn for a short while. Then carry the jade with you as a protection amulet.
Symbol of successful love
A butterfly carved from jade holds a special romantic significance. Ancient Chinese legend tells of a youth who wandered into the garden of a wealthy mandarin in pursuit of a multi-colored butterfly. Instead of being punished for trespassing, his visit led to marriage with the mandarin's daughter.
Today, a jade butterfly symbolizes successful love.
Healing properties of Jade
The soothing green color of jade makes it a wonderful healing stone. It helps the body in self-healing while working through underlying, non-physical reasons for a precipitation for disease. It is particularly helpful for kidney, heart and stomach complaints.

RED JASPER – Batu Pelindung di Malam Hari
A strong protection gemstone, red jasper is known to protect against hazards of the night. Red jasper is very lucky for actors. Jasper is one of the oldest known gemstones. It is mentioned in the Bible several times. Jasper is a strong securing gemstone. It is a stability gemstone. It is a powerful protection against things that are not good for you and it eases emotional stresses, making it a wonderful gemstone to have in your home.
Jasper gives one the courage to speak out and have personal independence. It also protects from fears in the night. Red jasper is thought to help balance the energy in the body. All jaspers help balance the emotional energy in the body.
Healing properties of Jasper
Jasper comes in many colors. All colors of Jasper will help balance the vibrations of the body. Jasper is slow to show a change to the person, but is such a basic "good" stone that one should always have it on hand.
Red Jasper helps with the sense of smell. It also promotes physical energy.

LABRADORITE – Batu Kekuatan/Batu Imaginasi/Batu Semangat
Labradorite is a power stone, allowing you to see through illusions and determine the actual form of your dreams and goals. It is excellent for strengthening intuitions.
Use labradorite to:
  • Stimulate imagination
  • Develop enthusiasm and thus, new ideas
  • To see more clearly in meditation

LEMON QUARTZ – Batu Kreatifitas
Lemon Quartz (also called green gold) is a beautiful variety of yellow quartz with shades of green that is mined in Brazil.
Open creativity and prosperity with lemon quartz!
Yellow as a color energy signifies creativity, organization, optimism and well-being. Meditation with lemon quartz will enhance focus on your goals with a clear and bright outlook to make your future the way you want it to be!

MOSS AGATE – Batu Penyeimbang Energi dan Emosi
Moss agate is a multi-shade of green that resembles moss or trees from a distance. It is sometimes found with bands of brown agate and when this occurs it is called mocha stone.
Moss agates are considered the most powerful of the agates. It was the agate of warriors. Moss agate is the most powerful of the agates that helps balance emotional energy. It helps the user to let go of anger and bitterness, so the emotions are balanced. When used in jewelry the moss agate is believed to bring the wearer health, friends and riches.
Moss agate enhances concentration, persistence, endurance and success in one's endeavors. It is an abundance stone.
Healing properties of moss agate
Moss Agate strengthens in times of stress.
It is helpful in relieving sensitivities to weather and pollution. Midwives use it to assist in successful birthing. It is used to speed up recovery, conteract long term illnesses, cleanse the circulatory and elimination systems.

ONYX – Batu Pelindung dari Hal Negatif & Batu Percaya Diri
Onyx is known to separate. It can help release negative emotions such as sorrow and grief. It is used to end unhappy or bothersome relationships.
Onyx guards against negativity
Onyx jewelry is worn to defend against negativity that is directed at you. Black stones have protective energies in the sense that black is the absence of light, and therefore, can be used to create invisibility.
  • Fortifies self confidence and responsibility
  • Sharpens your senses
  • Encourages a healthy egotism

SMOKEY QUARTZ – Batu Daya Tahan & Batu Pembersih Energi Negatif & Batu Kreatifitas bisnis
Smokey quartz is nature's stone of endurance. If you need a extra boost, carry a smokey quartz gemstone with you. It promotes:
  • Personal pride and joy in living
  • Creativity in business
  • Opens the path for perception and learning
Smokey Quartz is a protection stone that cleanses and clears negative energy.
Smokey Quartz is a grounding stone that transmutes negative energies and facilitates your ability to get things done in the practical world. It enhances organizational skills and is good to have around in the workplace or home office.
Healing properties of Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz is connected with the sounds of the universe. It makes you more aware of sounds including telepathic sounds. Smokey Quartz helps relieve depression.

PINK TOURMALINE – Batu Penyembuh Hati & Batu Toleransi/Penghindar stres
Pink tourmaline is a gentle stone that directly touches the heart! The color varies widely from pale pink to deep red
Relaxing and nurturing, pink tourmaline is associated with feminine energies. It vibrates a deep resonance with the heart chakra. It has the potential to heal emotional wounds with its soft, soothinig energy to bring feelings of comfort and safety.
Pink Tourmaline opens your ability to surrender to love!
  • Emotional balancer and cleanser
  • Alleviates stress and obsessive behaviour
  • Assists in changing patterns to better align with spiritual growth
  • Radiates kindness, tolerance
Combine pink tourmaline with these stones:

BROWN TOURMALINE – Batu Penyembuh Diri Sendiri

Dravite is a brown variety of tourmaline. It is an ideal stone for self-healing, aids in finding emotional strength and self-acceptance. Dravite inspires courage and persistence. It calms and soothes, grounding and stabilizing the inner self.
Use Dravite with these compatible stones to clear and ground the root chakra and provide psychic protection:

GREEN TOURMALINE – Batu Kegembiraan & Batu Keberuntungan/Kekayaan
All the tourmalines contain a wide scope of healing effects. The multi-colored tourmalines combine several qualities.
Green Tourmaline (also known as Verdelite) brings a joy for life. It promotes an appreciation for the many wonders that life has to offer. It encourages patience and openness, as well as sincere interest in fellow human beings.
The magical uses of this stone include the stimulation of creativity. It is also used to attract money and success in business.
Healing properties of green tourmaline
Green tourmaline strengthens the heart and offers detoxification effects.

TURQUOISE – Batu Pelindung dan Kekayaan
Turquoise is one of the oldest protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures.
Strength, protection from harm, psychic sensitivity and connection to the spirit world
If given a turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune. The turquoise is the symbol of friendship. It also brings peace to the home.
This stone is a very personal and meaningful stone to one who wears it. Turquoise takes on the characteristics of the owner.
Turquoise carries great wisdom of basic truth within it. It is one of the oldest stones known. This is a stone that a person must learn to attune to instead of the stone attuning to the person. It is important that the owner of a Turquoise give it the proper attention.
Healing properties of Turquoise
  • Neutralizes overacidity
  • Alleviates rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, viral infections
  • Increases growth, muscular strength
  • Alleviates pain, relaxes cramps
  • Contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects
  • Application: should be worn on the solar plexus
Use with copper to increase the power of turquoise.


Sesuaikan batu kristal dengan 7 Chakra Anda:

  • Chakra Mahkota (puncak kepala): Pusat spiritual dan intuisi. Batu Kristal warna ungu: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite. Fungsi: mempertajam intuisi dan daya spiritual, berpikir bijaksana. Cocok untuk gangguan di sekitar kepala dan gangguan tidur.
  • Mata Ajna (ditengah kening): Pusat persepsi kesadaran dan batin. Batu Kristal nila: Amethyst, Fluorite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Luvulite, Azurite, Saphire. Fungsi: membersihkan dan menyeimbangkan pikiran bawah sadar. Cocok untuk gangguan sakit kepala.
  • Chakra tenggorokan: Pusat ekspresi, komunikasi, kreatifitas. Batu Kristal warna biru: Turquoise, Blue Tiger Eye, Amazonite, Aquamarine, Celestite, Chrysocholla, Permata silica, Blue Tourmaline. Fungsi: kemampuan berkomunikasi dan mengungkapkan pendapat. Cocok untuk gangguan di sekitar tenggorokan.
  • Chakra jantung: Pusat cinta dan rasa kasih. Batu Kristal hijau: Rose Quatz, Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, Malachite, Green Aventurine, Peridot, Emerald, Dioptase, Green Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite, Morganite, Pink Calcite. Fungsi: melepaskan tekanan traumatis emosional, mengekspresikan cinta dalam tindakan. Cocok untuk gangguan jantung dan rongga dada.
  • Chakra solar plexus (pusar): Pusat kekuatan, elemen api, dorongan ego, emosi, kepercayaan diri. Batu Kristal warna kuning: Jade, Citrine, Amber, Tiger Eye,Topaz, Rytile Quartz. Fungsi: Meningkatkan percaya diri dan semangat. Cocok untuk gangguan di saluran pencernaan ,kandung empedu, ginjal, hati dan menyembuhkan stres
  • Chakra abdominal (kelamin): Pusat seks dan aliran bawah sadar akan ketertarikan antara manusia. Batu Kristal warna jingga: Carnelian, Wulfenite, Amber, Ruby, Citrine, Agate atau Tiger Eye. Fungsi: mendorong kita untuk mencintai apa yang kita kerjakan dan pengabdian. Cocok untuk gangguan sistem pencernaan, limpa, pankreas, rahim, dan emosi.
  • Chakra dasar (dasar punggung): Pusat pertahanan & energi. Batu Kristal warna merah: Garnet; Ruby, Jasper, Rhodonite, Blood Stone, Hermatite, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Onyx. Fungsi:  menghubungkan dorongan-dorongan jiwa dalam tubuh dengan bumi untuk meraih kemampuan bekerja secara bersemangat. Cocok untuk gangguan di sistem pembuangan.

Bila Anda merasa pusing, mual dan pegal saat pertama menggunakan kalung atau gelang Chakra Energy, itu adalah normal. Artinya batu-batu tersebut sedang bekerja memperngaruhi chakra-chakra Anda yang sedang bermasalah. Bila tidak tahan dapat dilepas, lalu durasi ditingkatkan di hari selanjutnya. Tetaplah dipakai saat kondisi tidur agar batu kristal menjalankan fungsinya dan Anda bisa bangun dalam keadaan lebih segar dan sehat keesokan harinya.